On Friday, May 31, at 8 PM Atlantic time, I’ll be reading from my romance novel Ocean’s Lure, and my forthcoming romance novel Cover Charm, and discuss some of the inspirations for incidents in the novels. This reading is supported by the Canada Council for the Arts and The Writers’ Union of Canada.

A zoom link will be posted here and on Facebook, closer to the event date. The reading will be recorded for anyone who can’t attend, and feel free to post questions in advance.

My first romance novel, Ocean’s Lure, is now available!

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Thanks for visiting. I write short fiction, poetry, and romance novels. I also write non-fiction, including essays and research papers, on a variety of topics. My day job is technical writing for a software company, and I’m a freelance editor and web consultant.

After hours, I maintain the web sites and social media accounts for the poetry group Open Heart Forgery, the publishing and author services company Somewhat Grumpy Press, and the Romance Writers of Atlantic Canada. In the Society for Creative Anachronism, I am Oliver Peren, and maintain the website for the Canton of Seashire. On this site, I maintain an archive of resources for teaching children’s rights from the University of Cape Breton Children’s Rights Centre.

My academic interests include film classification and children’s rights. I blog on anything related to writing, editing, operating websites, or research. Sign up for my occasional newsletter to receive announcements about new blog posts and other updates.

I’ve lived in various places in British Columbia, including the Cariboo, Greater Vancouver, and the Okanagan Valley; and Ontario, including Ottawa, Toronto, London, and Sault Ste. Marie. I now reside in Nova Scotia.

Social media hangouts include Library Thing, Facebook, goodreads, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, and Mastodon, not necessarily in that order.

Contact me with any questions or comments.

The screen or print output “Hello, World!” is often used to demonstrate computer program languages.